Monday, January 12, 2015

Is Married Life the Only Option?


       For the majority of the past decade millions of viewers fell in love with the NBC sitcom, How I Met Your Mother. The plot of this show is based around main character, Ted, trying to find a wife. Now, at surface level, this is perfectly fine. The majority of TV sitcoms revolve around love in some way or another, but in this show, love is the central issue.
      For nine seasons viewers watch Ted’s love life flourish and fail. However, it is emphasized time and time again that Ted must find a wife. This character tries desperately to find love, thinking that will complete him. However, is finding that spouse necessary to live a happy life?
     This show pushes and pushes on the fact that a person must find a spouse in order to reach complete happiness. Ted sees two of his best friends in an unusually perfect marriage, which leads him to think something must be wrong with him. If they can find someone, why can’t I? Ted sees them so happy and fulfilled, and wants that same feeling more than anything. Many viewers who are hopeless romantics like Ted think the same way as he does. Their lives will not be complete until they find their dream spouse. However, should marriage define someone’s success? Society takes away our freedom of living independently and brainwashes us into thinking that we NEED to find a spouse and we NEED to reproduce.
      Now this show is unique in that it shows the opposite of finding love as well. Another character, Robin, decides to ignore love and relationships and focus on her career. Also, Barney decides to ignore love and relationships so he can sleep around. Yes, these are portraying different options, but they are looked at in a completely negative light. Time and time again, Robin is criticized saying she has no emotions or romance in her. She’s going to live a lonely life that she will eventually regret. Though, isn’t that our choice as an individual? Is there a law telling us that we must get married? That is the only thing that is going to make us happy? And for Barney, the whole cast is constantly on his case about being with so many women. His friend group calls him disgusting and tries to get him to settle down. But when you think about it, is it anyone’s business besides that person’s? No. Who are we to tell someone what to do? Why is it that we are only happy to see when someone gets married and starts a family rather than putting themselves and their career first? Marriage is turning into a requirement in order to grow old!

       It is clear that our freedom of choice is being repressed by social norms. Think about it, we should not have to conform in order to please others. Every individual is unique, and everyone has the right to have his/her own lifestyle. So, why focus on marriage as a passageway to happiness and success? Why does it have to be a form of acceptance? It’s time to encourage difference and freedom of choice in our world.

1 comment:

  1. This is a GREAT post. I am thrilled to see someone addressing the marriage directive that is central to so many shows. You are totally right that people are being oppressed by this old idea of a life-time achievement. I have long been irritated by shows, movies and books focusing almost exclusively on romance as if it is the only thing in the world. I tried that mindset when I was younger and I hated it. Romance can be a part of life but it doesn't have to be and no one should feel pressured into it. Once again, great post!
